Almost Halloween!
Last night we went to a Halloween party - super fun!
Today was a no-school day (conferences), so we all slept in.
Then F and I went for her annual check up and our flu shots. No co-pay for anything, so I was happy.
Then she wanted to go up to school because she forgot her "character sketch" which happens to be my birthday present. I said I didn't know if we'd be able to get in the classroom if it was someone else's conference, but miraculously, we were between conferences. Her ELA teacher was thrilled to see her, and hugged us both, and then gave F the character sketch (which I am not allowed to see until tomorrow).
We saw her preschool buddy on the way in (lots of hugs) and then we saw one of her friends on the way out, and ended up taking the friend out for hot chocolate while her parents (also friends of mine) did a quick errand. Fun! They gave me money for her hot chocolate, but I told her to tuck it in her pocket and give it back to her parents.
Then we went home and carved a pumpkin and roasted the seeds.
F has tennis at 3:30, and I'm cleaning the house a little so I don't have to clean so much on my birthday. I vacuumed and did the litterbox.
So, a quiet but fun and relaxing rainy day. Tomorrow is going to be fun and hectic so I might as well relax now!
Frugal Day
October 30th, 2015 at 07:56 pm
October 30th, 2015 at 08:47 pm 1446238036
October 31st, 2015 at 01:33 am 1446255231