I popped into the bank today to deposit a check (side income) for D and the office rent check from my office-mate and also to pay down $174 on the mortgage.
On the way, I stopped at the post office to mail a bunch of old books to bookbyte. I should be getting about $50 for them, and of course that will go to the mortgage. Anyway, the books were HEAVY and the post office is up a series of steps. Ugh. But as I was piling my three boxes up in an orderly way on the hood of my car, I saw my friend R (he's the husband of my friend L). R is an archaeologist, and super nice! He carried my books up the steps and into the post office for me. On our way in, I saw another friend who is the mother of one of F's soccer friends. Soccer starts soon, so we'll get to hang out on the fields.
It was a reminder that I like living in a small city.
I ran today, too, and smiled at a lot of people, but didn't see anyone I know. I run from my office downtown, and it's mostly tourists after a certain time of morning.
Now I am busy making plans for F for the long weekend. She has Thursday and Friday off for parent-teacher conferences. Our conference is Thursday, but the rest of the day is free. And we're going running together with a friend of mine (that we met in the NICU when F and her son were both born preemie). That'll be early, too, while her son is in school, since she is very certain he wouldn't want to run with us. Friday afternoon is tennis.
Last weekend was pretty blah, so I'm trying to find fun activities and playdates.
Maybe x-c skiing, too.
A Few Snowflakes
March 3rd, 2015 at 08:12 pm
March 3rd, 2015 at 08:17 pm 1425413870
March 3rd, 2015 at 09:12 pm 1425417124