Home > Boxing Day - Snow, Leftovers, No Spending

Boxing Day - Snow, Leftovers, No Spending

December 26th, 2014 at 04:01 pm

Woke up to snow this Boxing Day - beautiful!

Because of the snow, and the fact that it's on a holiday (which means our City didn't plow our street or even the busier street that we use to go downtown), we're staying in today. Which means no spending!

F is playing with her presents. D is having a leisurely cup of tea.

We all had leftovers for breakfast, and for dinner I'm using leftovers to make Rachael Ray's turkey croquettes. I can't tell you how much I love leftovers!

I think we'll drag the sled out later.

3 Responses to “Boxing Day - Snow, Leftovers, No Spending”

  1. CB in the City Says:

    Looks like a lovely white Christmas! -- or -- Boxing Day!

    We had drizzly rain and warmish temperatures, but lots of light and love inside!

  2. rob62521 Says:

    Love reusing leftovers too!

  3. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    We might get snow here tonight ... it sure is cold enough for it! Beautiful pic!!

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