Home > Frugal Long Weekend

Frugal Long Weekend

October 21st, 2014 at 08:22 pm

F has had several days off school - a 5-day weekend!

I was worried that she'd get bored, but it's actually been super fun, and I'm sad that today is the last day she's home with me.

Yesterday we met another mom with a son in F's class and a daughter in 2nd grade and we drove down to a cute pumpkin patch together. There was a corn maze, hay-ride, "sand"box filled with corn, animals to pet... we had a picnic lunch, and I made apple pie to share. Admission was $6 for F and $8 for me, but it was worth it. The other mom somehow failed to make a picnic lunch, and then was shocked that there wasn't food to buy at the pumpkin patch. We had to go to a nearby cafe so she could get takeout sandwiches. She was pretty upset with herself, but the thing is, she's just moved from California, and she is still learning about the life and culture here (which is partly to do with how rural most of our state is). A few rules: always bring cash, always pack a lunch and snacks, always fill up your gas tank!

Today we woke up to a steady drizzle. Right now she has a friend over, another sweet girl who also plays soccer! They are playing some kind of made up soccer game with a balloon and giggling like maniacs. Free fun!

Later on - soccer practice (more free fun). F finds out if she's been selected to play in the extra game; fingers crossed.

I've been sitting at my computer, not getting much done. Autocad keeps crashing (ugh!) and while it restarts, I've been doing Pinecone surveys. For some reason, I've gotten 4 this morning! I've never gotten that many in one day! But... 4x $3 each = $12 - yes!!

3 Responses to “Frugal Long Weekend”

  1. Kiki Says:

    You have almost earned the cost of the pumpkin patch visit!

  2. creditcardfree Says:

    Sounds like a wonderful weekend.

  3. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    That is a lot of PC surveys in one day! I had five in one week and thought that was a lot.

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