Home > September Statistics

September Statistics

October 1st, 2013 at 11:50 pm

Compared to the same month last year:

Income increased by 2.8%
Expenses decreased by 4.9%
Savings increased by 472% (yes, really!)

So I'm feeling pretty good about the spending.

We owe $82,018 on our mortgage. House value is about $550,000.

We have $8,573 in car savings.

We have $5,217 in personal savings.

We have $13,118 in the private school savings account. We dip into this every month to pay for F's school, but it is replenished a little bit every year by one of the grandparents. Actually - I need to pay tuition today!

IRAs are worth $67,481 (mine) and $17,275 (D's). We are trying really hard to improve this! Now that D has started his new job, we are going to contribute the max. to our Roths.

We owe about $10,000 on the Dublin house mortgage. House value is about $360,000. (This is a major part of our retirement).

And finally - our income which was about $76k total last year will probably be about $86k with D's new job.

3 Responses to “September Statistics”

  1. Petunia 100 Says:

    Is that Dublin Ireland, or Dublin California?

  2. Buendia Says:

    Ireland! My husband is from the UK/Ireland; he already had the house (and I had a house here) when we got married so we kept it... we've watched it increase in value and decrease and now increase again. But it's worth about 4x what he paid for it at the moment, so that's good.

  3. Petunia 100 Says:

    Nice. A love Dublin, such a lovely, friendly city. Smile

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