Home > Got a Price for Living Room Cabinet and My New Candy Fix

Got a Price for Living Room Cabinet and My New Candy Fix

September 4th, 2013 at 10:47 pm

I was really scared to contact anyone about a living room cabinet because I thought I couldn't afford it. (I already exhausted ready-made options - I have a fixed width since it's between our wall and fireplace and nothing off the shelf fits in there. And I found "budget" cabinets online for - gasp! - over $500 - not even good materials!).

Some friends gave me recommendations for cabinet makers who are all super-high-end, but I somehow remembered that my friend's husband has a custom cabinet business. I see them mostly at parties since we met through mutual friends who no longer live here. And she and I both are volunteer chairs for the Folk Art Market. We don't hang out, and our kids are different ages, but she's so sweet. But Matt does high-end cabinets, too, and I figured I couldn't afford him.

Well he's giving me a deal in exchange for helping hang it and for referring some work to him if I'm happy with the result. So nice! It'll be $300, custom, all wood! Can't wait to get our living room fixed up - it looks a bit like a college dorm right now.

And I've discovered my new candy fix for my 3 pm energy dip - handful of pecans with a few chocolate chips mixed in. Yum!

3 Responses to “Got a Price for Living Room Cabinet and My New Candy Fix”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    Great deal! And I like that snack idea.

  2. North Georgia Gal Says:

    Take before and after pictures for us!

  3. CB in the City Says:

    All wood for $300 is a fabulous deal!

    I like a handful of walnuts and dried cranberries for my snack fix.

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