Home > Running is Free! (Unless you can't go outside)

Running is Free! (Unless you can't go outside)

January 10th, 2014 at 08:38 pm

I ran today for the first time since November! Among other excuses was that it was too cold, there was snow on the ground, it was Christmas break. I was still spinning and weightlifting, but the running is important to me, even though I only run once a week.

Anyway, it was good and bad..

Good... I didn't stop! Partly because I wanted to get on this blog and tell you I didn't stop, so thank you for that accountability!

Bad... At one point I got a face full of leafblower dust.

Good... Temp was high 30s and that's warm enough not to need gloves.

Bad... I was so, so, so slow! Much, much slower than I ran last time. So it took me longer to get back (well, about two minutes longer).

Good... My run is a loop, so I was pretty certain after I started going downhill that I would end up returning to the office and I wouldn't need to call D to pick me up or something!

Good... No heartburn!

Really Good... I can now eat everything!

Now the financial part:
OK, so given the excuses I made, I think it's time to investigate the free fitness membership that now comes for free with my health insurance. That way I can run on a treadmill when it's too cold or snowy outside. The gym where I teach doesn't have treadmills anymore (we used to) and there are two gyms a reasonable distance from my home and office on the list.

Do you have a free fitness membership on your healthcare plan now? Have you taken advantage of it? Any familiarity with Anytime Fitness? The other choice is an all-women's gym which I'd prefer but it's about 10 mins. farther away.

5 Responses to “Running is Free! (Unless you can't go outside)”

  1. Jenn Says:

    I wish I did! We have discounts on gyms through work, but when I checked the options in my area there was only one - Jazzersize - and that's not my thing for sure.

    I can't complain too much though - my health club membership is only $20/month, and I do make use of it.

  2. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    We have discounted gym memberships with our health insurance -- but the closest gym is about 40 minutes away. So ... not likely to get much use.

  3. ThriftoRama Says:

    free gym membership with health insurance? That would be awesome.
    We pay $80 for a family Y membership. It's worth it, mostly for the kids swim and sport stuff, indoor outdoor pools, and kid care for the treadmill!

  4. twest Says:

    I have been thinking about the gym lately. I have recently started running and I am addicted to it. I have run 2 5ks and am planning another in March. I need some strength training and maybe some kickboxing for fun. I am just always so afraid I won't use the gym to justify the cost. I wish our employer covered gym memberships but we do have a local gym where I work that gives a discount if a big group of us sign up. That is only 25/month which is great, but I commute 45 minutes so that isn't idea for me. Good luck on your running.

  5. Buendia Says:

    I've been spoiled since I started teaching; even though I only teach two fitness classes a week, I get a free gym membership. But I was sad when they closed the part of the gym with the treadmills! I have a good friend I work out with sometimes (and she always goes to my classes) and we do all sorts of silly workouts! We don't have a Y here, but we do have a big city fitness complex (I actually worked on part of it - mostly ceilings and colors). But it's too far to be convenient. That is a big deal - if it's not convenient, close-by, easy to fit in your schedule, it's hard to go. And I have to say Jenn - Jazzercise wouldn't be my thing either... if there's a possibility I'll bump into someone (like aerobics or zumba or whatever) I'm too clumsy to consider it!

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