Home > A little bit financial, but mostly getting the past week off my chest

A little bit financial, but mostly getting the past week off my chest

November 11th, 2016 at 11:08 pm

I don't want to come on here and talk politics... I'm trying to use this space to talk mostly about finances.

Here's the stuff about finances:
- we are closer to paying off our mortgage
- sold a couple of things on Craigslist $70
- got a rebate check from the energy company
- my nephew is here, but he doesn't eat very much and he's vegetarian, so the grocery bill is not very much bigger

The financial stuff seems less relevant this week, so this where the politics starts. My first and last post on politics. So stop reading now. Really.

How I spent election night: up in my 11 year old daughter's room hugging her as she cried. She wasn't crying because her candidate didn't win. She was crying because she was afraid that someone was going to "come get us" because we're Jewish. I promised that wouldn't happen. She was worried that people would know that I voted for Clinton and punish me for it. I described the democratic process. We talked about other presidents I didn't agree with in my lifetime. I told her that her life would change very little, and that it would be important to do good things for people who will be affected.

I don't think any of them ever actively courted racists (and the KKK!!) to get votes, though, but I didn't discuss this with my daughter. I live in a very liberal city, and I only am friends with one Trump supporter. I wanted to ask her how she can support him when she herself isn't a racist (and has at least one Jewish friend). I wanted to ask her what she'd tell my daughter.

I watched Van Jones (who I really admire) talking to voters in Gettysburg and I do think there needs to be a dialog. But now that they've won this election, I'm not sure Trump supporters want this dialog now.

Not every Trump supporter is a racist, surely. But by courting racists, they have given them legitimacy. And by allying themselves with racists, they've said that it's ok.

Here is what I'm NOT telling my daughter: I am worried, too. I am worried about the climate, rejection of science, our national parks, clean energy. I am worried about women's and LGBT rights. I am particularly worried for Muslims and immigrants and hispanic people. Black lives matter to me! And I am worried for myself and my family; I am worried that I might one day have to make a decision about when is the right time to use my Canadian passport and uproot my family before it's too late. I like to think I'd have more foresight than some of my ancestors did, but I'm scared I will ignore warning signs.

I don't hate most Trump supporters, I just don't understand; and I'm disappointed because all of the values that I think are non-negotiable, they don't agree with or don't think are that important. And they don't understand me either, and probably think I'm being melodramatic. But, these are the things I'm thinking about, and if you read this even though I warned you not to, I'm sorry if I offended anyone.

15 Responses to “A little bit financial, but mostly getting the past week off my chest”

  1. Dido Says:

    Great post, agree on all counts. Lucky you with a Canadian passport. Here trying not to give in to despair and planning to donate to the Souther Poverty Law Center, ADL, ACLU, and the local gay rights center. And praying.

  2. ceejay74 Says:

    I'm worried about all of the above plus foodstamps and Social Security! Paul Ryan is so eager to cut. Black lives matter to me too! I'm worried about cuts to local funding to reform policing.

    Oh and for anyone who isn't aware, white people are the biggest group in poverty and the biggest users of foodstamps. This impacts all races.

    I really try not to talk about politics on here too, but I fear I shouldn't have been even as neutral as I was. Though I probably wouldn't have changed minds or stopped the spread of misinformation, perhaps I should have tried harder.

  3. creditcardfree Says:

    I'm super sad that you feel so concerned. I believe a slim number of Trump supporters are likely racists, but I would bet a majority are not. My neighbor and new walking partner is Asian. She said her father (an immigrant to this country) voted for Trump and has always been a Republican. I would encourage you to talk to your friend that voted for Trump to understand why she voted for Trump. The best way to move forward is to come to an understanding of those who vote different than you. With no disrespect, I wonder why you assume (or expect) that all others have the same non negotiable values. Or maybe that the values that are not negotiable to you are the even considered for others when they vote. Again, just questions to ponder. I'm not asking for a response and I'm not trying to persuade you to feel any different. I'm a moderate and value all life, races, religions and genders.

    Wishing you peace!!

  4. Kaycee Fisher Says:

    A client of our firm who is originally from the Middle East implored us to vote for Trump. He says coming here was the best thing that ever happened to him and he was happy to work and earn his living.

  5. Janelle Says:

    I don't comment often here, especially about politics. While not exactly a Trump supporter - a lot of his rhetoric and hyperbole on the campaign trail was disgusting - my feelings of distaste for Secretary Clinton are equally strong or in some cases even stronger. I live in a very liberal state, and it saddens me that being a moderate has forced me into a place of silence out of fear - of ridicule, name calling, or worse - because my values and my opinions may differ from others around me. I certainly do not want to discriminate against anyone, but at the same time it is wrong of others to paint me as stupid, wrong, racist, or evil because my beliefs, standards, judgment, priorities differ from my neighbors. The election is done and over, the winner named. Civil discourse seems lost, and the blame lies with factions on both side of the great political divide. As long as the hysteria and violence garners headlines, it seems it will continue. But I agree with creditcardfree - ask your friend who voted for Mr. Trump about her choices, explain your fears and anxieties. You're FRIENDS, which means you have some common values and goals and desires for yourselves and your families.

  6. ceejay74 Says:

    I love the people who say they didn't vote for Clinton because she's a criminal. Trump is ACTUALLY going to court to face charges of fraud and has been accused of numerous other crimes. Amazing!

  7. Livingalmostlarge Says:

    I too live in a liberal city and am liberal. But I am not a democrat. More an independent socialist. Now I am saddened and fearful. I truly believe that many supporters of Trump are not racist or bigoted. But he has given racism an acceptance. The best way to put it is before people whispered it in their house and now it's become acceptable to say out loud. A few friends who are non residents are considering moving back to Canada. I won't move with my dh but it doesn't make me lsessworoedd about the increasing intolerance in this country.

  8. Buendia Says:

    I believe what I said: there are some values that are non-negotiable, and tolerance for other people/religions/viewpoints/etc is one of those values. I do assume everyone has that value, and others (like treat others as you would like to be treated). Basic, human values. Yes, that is my assumption and expectation. It's about humanity.

    I am happy to have a civilized discussion and disagree on things. Not everyone thinks alike. But if those basic tenets aren't there (tolerance, treat people kindly) aren't there, then that is awfully difficult.

    I think this sums it up for me:

  9. MonkeyMama Says:

    Buendia, completely agree with your last comment. I could probably write a novel about all my issues with Trump, but at the end of the day I think racism was *the* deal breaker and definitely what the vote was about in the melting pot state that I live in. It's like Maslov's Hierarchy of needs. You have to secure basic safety first before you can worry beyond that. Today, all my friends are worried about their basic safety beyond all else. & that's why they so passionately voted against Trump.

  10. PatientSaver Says:

    Please give your daughter an extra hug for me. No 11-yr-old should have to feel like that. I am so sorry about that.

    As far as other productive actions we can take, I've connected now with Emily's List, which has been around a long time. It works to promote progressive women in politics. The kind we need right now. They have a Facebook page.

  11. AnotherReader Says:

    Donald Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner is Jewish and one of Donald Trumps' closest advisers. Most of my Jewish friends supported Trump and believe he will be a big supporter of Israel. The people you should worry about are the race baiters like Van Jones.

  12. AnotherReader2 Says:

    I could no longer vote Democrat when my daughter asked me why Martin O'Malley (my former Governor) had to apologize for saying 'All Lives Matter'.

  13. Buendia Says:

    I wasn't going to respond, Another Reader, but I will just say that I don't agree with you. I can't speak to whether or not the president-elect is or is not anti-semitic. But he has courted voters who are. And support for Israel does not mean that you're not anti-semitic. Some Jewish people are very pro-Israel and some are not. I was born in the US and I am American; I am not from Israel. And, finally, we'll also have to agree to disagree on Van Jones as well as on the statement "All Lives Matter" which I think is a negation of "Black Lives Matter" and what that movement is trying to accomplish. But as I said before, it's ok to disagree. I'm sure a lot of people disagree with me, and I am totally ok with a civilized discussion. I consider everyone on SA my friends, and I even when we disagree we have a lot of shared values.

  14. LivingAlmostLarge Says:

    I don't think Donald Trump is anti-semitic. I doubt he's anti-gay. But in order to win he's willing to allow those who are to very vocal and support him while looking the other way. In a way he's like those bystanders who watch/hear a woman getting raped and don't stop the perpetrator. IF these race and religious tensions break out will he turn the other cheek or face it head on and address the issue? Will he side with tolerance and acceptance or will he pretend it doesn't exist and matter?

  15. terri77 Says:

    Van Jones is no race baiter. He speaks to a large number of minorities fears & feelings.

    Please give your daughter a hug for me. And tell her that the good people of this nation are more aware than ever. We will stand up with all people of this nation.

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