Home > Circus Show Tonight!

Circus Show Tonight!

July 17th, 2015 at 04:49 pm

F's two week camp is over at noon today; we'll have lunch at home. And then she goes back to camp for the end-of-camp performance. It's a circus camp, and F is doing fabric/silks (aerials) and unicycling and stilt-walking. This is her fourth camp with this circus troupe. So much fun!

Nine to noon is not a lot of time to get much done, but I made some work phone calls, went for a short run (it's the only kind I do - 1.5 miles). And I also paid down mortgage principal with a few snowflakes.

$77 gym money
$5 craigslist sale
$15 survey amazon certificate

We've paid off $6830 this year so far! And the mortgage is down to $51,357. Next month we'll be below $50k and we're celebrating by going to Denver for a Colorado Rapids soccer game and weekend break!

7 Responses to “Circus Show Tonight!”

  1. MonkeyMama Says:

    That sounds really fun! Now I am googling local circus camps.

  2. Buendia Says:

    Are there any in your area? Or you could always come to Santa Fe for a few weeks in the summer Smile

  3. scottish girl Says:

    Hope you had fun!

  4. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    I'm trying to remember the last time I went to the circus ... maybe elementary school?? I remember I really enjoyed it. Hope you guys had fun!

  5. Buendia Says:

    This is more like Cirque du Soleil than the circuses I went to as a kid - acrobatics and fabric and stilting... it's put on by the kids who attend camp with this circus troupe - the culmination of two weeks of learning all these cool things! No animals or anything like that... It's pretty cool!!

  6. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    That does sound pretty awesome!

  7. MonkeyMama Says:

    There are some in our area but my older child seemed disinterested. I think if I had thought of it a few years earlier he'd been all over that, but now he's getting to that "too cool" teen stage. Wink

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