Home > F's Room - Photos

F's Room - Photos

September 26th, 2014 at 12:38 am

I am finally getting around to posting photos of F's room... we redid it at the start of school, partly so that she could have a desk, and partly so she could have a more grown-up room. And partly for more storage!

We sold some furniture (bed and unused dresser) and got some new stuff (bed with storage underneath it, desk). The rug is the same, we didn't paint or anything. I painted an old bulletin board with silver glitter paint. I stole a chair from our other bedroom.

11 Responses to “F's Room - Photos”

  1. nhgirl1970 Says:

    I absolutely love it!

  2. creditcardfree Says:

    It looks great! I like how the desk faces the door. Smile

  3. wowitsawonderfullife Says:

    Wow, that looks great!

  4. PNW Mom Says:

    Super cute! It looks great!

  5. Jenn Says:

    Really nice!

  6. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    And I love how the door-facing desk must be flooded with sunlight from that glorious window. Ah, sunshine!

  7. Buendia Says:

    Thank you everyone! There is both a window and a door (which leads out to a patio): lots and lots of sunshine, but sometimes it gets really hot, so a few years ago we put up insulating curtains with regular (bedsheet) curtains in front of them... it works really well! I used rings and clips from ikea and we can take down the insulating part in the spring and autumn. But they keep the warmth inside in the winter, so I put them up for both winter and summer.

    F chose to have the desk face the door - it works really well, and a friend can drag a chair up and they can work on something like those rainbow looms together.

    I still have to finish the labels for all of the plastic bins on the shelf (she's had those shelves since she was a baby, but we added a few of those clear plastic bins with lids each year so now everything is in a container, and she can take down a few bins at a time to play with - makes it easy to clean up!!)

  8. My English Castle Says:

    Really cute.

  9. scfr Says:

    What a fantastic room!

  10. Looking Forward Says:

    What nice and tidy storage!

  11. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    That is a great room!

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